Sunday, July 31, 2011

Berle, Hackett, and pocket change

I defy anyone to analyze this dream I just had and come up with some coherent meaning. I dreamed of a TV talk show with Milton Berle and Buddy Hackett at a round wooden table. There's no audience, and the set is one of those daytime TV kitchens.

Berle mentions at one point that he's "almost 90" but he's vibrant and alert and full of beans. Hackett functions as his stooge. And the show consists of Berle taking out a bag of pocket change and spilling it onto the table, then picking out one coin, and then reminiscing about that date: show biz, personal life, history, whatever.

The show had the feel of some kind of PBS thing, like the old Steve Allen "Meeting of the Minds" show. It's not a bad idea, and it appeared in my dream as a finished and polished production.

Where did that come from?

And now, I've just gone to find an image for this post, and to do so I entered "Milton Berle Buddy Hackett" just to see what would come up, and look what did: an image of Berle, Hackett, and Steve Allen.

I should have mentioned Ernie Kovacs and Lucille Ball, because it would have been fun to see them in the picture as well.

Sometimes life is a little weird.

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